Best IT Services in Plano, IT Networks, Cloud Services, CyberSecurity

Does your business or church (like North Dallas Community Fellowship on the Bush Freeway in Plano) need IT help? We’re also your local experts on Church Management Software - call 5K!
Need Managed IT Services and IT Support in Plano? Call 5K Technical Services. We offer 1-hour response (or less) for technical support!
5K Technical Services is proud to provide Managed IT Services for many companies in Plano. The business community here includes hundreds of high-profile employers like Frito-Lay, J.C.Penney, and Dr. Pepper, along with tech companies McAfee, DXC (HP), Intuit, NetScout, Raytheon and others. We also provide IT support for many non-tech businesses and churches in Plano, whose members work for these companies. It’s a high bar to serve clients of this caliber, and we’ve done it successfully for more than 10 years.
As an award-winning Microsoft-certified Managed Services Provider, 5K provides ongoing IT services for cloud services, networks and infrastructure, disaster recovery and business continuity planning, VoIP unified messaging and more to help keep your business on a technical level with your rivals!
We provide IT services every small or medium business in Plano needs, including:
- Office infrastructure moves and upgrades (including HaaS and IaaS)
- Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity planning and testing
- Compliance testing for professional services providers
- Managed networks, firewalls and cyber security
- Managed servers, software updates and backup services
- Cloud-based VoIP telephony and unified messaging
- Wireless information security
Call us for emergency IT services in Plano, or a security or systems analysis. Fill out the form below for a quick response. We look forward to working with you!
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