FREE 2-Hour Network Health Check for All Prospective Clients Who Want to Put Us to the Test!

As a prospective customer, we would like to offer you a FREE 2-Hour Network Health Check and Diagnosis ($497 value). During this health check we will perform a comprehensive review of your entire network to look for potential problems, security loopholes, spyware and other hidden problems that will cause the computers on your network to run slow, act funny, crash and lose data.

We will:

  • Review your system backups to make sure they are working properly and CAN be restored quickly in the event of a disaster.
  • Scan for hidden spyware, malware and viruses that MOST antivirus tools and software can’t detect or won’t remove.
  • Check for security updates and patches to validate that your network really IS secure.
  • Review your firewall and security settings.
  • Check the integrity of your server and workstations hardware. (Side note: Did you know that hardware failure is one of the leading causes of data loss that CAN be detected early and avoided with proper monitoring?)
  • Audit your virus definitions and protection.
  • Conduct a visual scan of your server room and cabling to make sure your network is PHYSICALLY safe and set up properly.
  • Check your overall system performance, space and settings to see if your network is running as fast as it could be.

Why Should You Care About This?

There are numerous system checks and updates that should be done on a regular basis to ensure maximum speed, performance, and security. Ignore them and your system will get progressively slower, unstable, and susceptible to viruses, spyware, and hackers or unexpected crashes and failures. There are many ways a backup plan can fail. We have seen many backup plans that clients thought were ‘automated,’ yet were not working when needed. You don’t want to find out that your backup was not working the day after your hard drive fried.

Complete the form on this page to schedule your Free, FREE 2-Hour Network Health Check today

Fill In The Form Below To Instantly Claim Your FREE 2-Hour Network Health Check

  • Remark: We will collect your information for marketing purposes. However, we respect your privacy rights. If you wish to access or amend any Personal Data we hold about you, or request that we delete any information about you that we have collected, please send us an email:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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